Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Days Keep Rolling By

This week has been full of classes. Its been kind of nice to begin to get into the swing of things here. At this point, I have officially been in Granada for one week but it feels like so much longer than that. Seattle feels so far away and this last summer feels like it happened months and months ago. My classes have been interesting. I like both of my teachers but the classes for the most part are very laid back, which is nice in some ways but at the same time, I dont feel like i am learning very much. Thats kind of rough for me. Its difficult to be in a country where you dont know the language and you dont feel like you are improving much. However I think that this is just one of those situations where I will have to take matters into my own hands. I am working on talking to my host family more and soon we will be starting intercambios (im not sure if thats the correct spelling or not) which is where all of the students in my program are matched up with spanish speaking students who are trying to learn english. Its a way for everyone to get better at the language they are trying to learn. I also am planning on trying to get some extra help with my spanish from the people at the ISA office. I am pretty sure that there are some tutoring opportunities that i would like to check out.

I finally have a cell phone here which is a wonderful change. It is so much easier to meet up with other people here when you have some communication options other than facebook. I have been spending alot of my time walking around the city. There are a couple of nice spots that I have found for journal writing and too many amazing gelato stands to count. I think right now my favorite ice cream flavor is ferrero roche. Right now I dont have any big plans for the weekend except for exploring Granada more. Two of my best friends Julia and Sarah get here on the 13th and I cant wait to see them! Not much else to report right now but im sure there will be more very soon!

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