It has been an extremely long time since i have updated! in that time i have been to both Amsterdam and Portugal and had a great time in both places. going to amsterdam was so much fun. seeing sarah and sten was absolutely wonderful and the three of us just ran around amsty for a week. i saw the anne frank house, the amsterdam library and various other sights around the city. we also did a TON of biking because in amsterdam there are more bikers then people in cars or walking around. literally everyone bikes and i did not see one person the entire time that i was there wearing a helmet. i guess its just not fashionable. while i was there i did alot of "dinking" which is riding on the back of another persons bike. it was a little challenging at first but i got the hang of it. the climate change was a fun one. i went from 85 and sunny to 55 and rainy but i didnt mind, it was like being back in seattle for a week :) amsterdam is an incredibly beautiful place which really surprised me. i wasnt expecting to love the city as much as i did.
Portugal was a different story all together. i went with this program called discovergranada which takes students that are studying abroad on these preplanned trips to different places around spain for pretty cheap. for this trip to lagos, they were picking us up in sevilla at 10am. this meant that we had to take a 3am bus to sevilla. oy. that was a rough one. but after getting on the discovergranada bus in sevilla, there wasnt any stress in the trip. we just went to different beaches, ate good food and went to parties in the evening. the only downside to the trip was that it rained quite a bit. however we still got some sunshine and i had fun.
now i am back in granada, today is a festival so i dont have class today and i didnt have class yesterday either which was so so nice. today i think that my roommate and i are going to the country with our homestay family to ride horses! it should be pretty fun. i have a bit of homework that i need to get done before tomorrow but nothing too stressful on that end. next weekend i have an excursion with my program to Malaga and Ronda.
I am really starting to get used to living here. my spanish still has quite a ways to go but i am becoming alot more comfortable with where i am. its odd to think about the fact that i really only have about two and a half more months here. its crazy how the time starts to fly.